Friday, October 22, 2010

Writing Fulltime Now!

Last week, I announced I was now writing 25 hours a week and working part-time for 25 hours at a nearby Hobby Lobby.

Well, this just in...

I went in to Hobby Lobby last Saturday and was laid off at the end of my shift, along with 12 others. I decided not to shoot up the place. In fact, I wasn't even angry. When informed, my wife actually smiled and told me she'd secretly been praying for weeks it would happen (I know...sounds crazy).

My agent, editor and my wife all believe it's time for me to take that leap of faith and write fulltime now. I was the lone holdout. It just seems like such a huge step. And as a rule, I err on the cautious side. With our kids grown, my wife working, the house paid off, we can actually make it on what I'm making with the books (although...being a bestselling author would make it much easier...that's where you all come in :).

So this week, for the first time, I began writing fulltime. One immediate benefit, besides having more time to write, is the freedom to respond to a lot more opportunities. Things I'd probably have to turn down with my Hobby Lobby job, because of conflicting schedules.

And it was kind of the Lord to send me strong confirming evidence that He was the actual instigator of this change. All kinds of writing work came in this week, and I've firmed up a number of opportunities to visit several book clubs over the next month or so.

More on that in my next post.


  1. Wow, God sure knows what we need and when we need it, doesn't he? It's so great to see how he WILL make things happen, even if we aren't quite ready for them. Very happy for you.

    Being a full-time writer is wonderful. Of course I don't have fabulous books out like you do-yet :) It's amazing what you can accomplish when you are able to throw yourself into this business and treat it like what it is, a business.

  2. Sounds like the Lord is blessing your life! I'm looking forward to your next novels that come out.

  3. Katie,

    Thanks for the encouragement. As I look back, it seems God has always had to "push me out of the nest" on the big things in life. But He has always been faithful. I've yet to hit the ground.

    Thanks Tarissa for stopping by. I'm looking forward to the next one to. Just spent a few days this past week tweaking The Deepest Waters on some final edits. Sent it back in Friday.

