Saturday, August 1, 2009

Only God's Love Could Explain Our Salvation

I've decided to add an occasional feature to my blog. From time to time I'm just going to slip in some quotes and/or reflections on God's amazing love for those who are in Christ. To me it's not something of a different category. I view the opportunity I have to now write books and be published as yet one more expression of God's amazing love toward me in Christ. Consider today's offering, a marvelous collection of words about Christ's love:

“There existed no love but the love of Jesus equal to the work of salvation.

Love less divine, less strong, less gentle, could never have won your heart, uprooted your enmity, tore you from your idols; enthroning Christ, all of Christ, Christ only, Christ supremely, Christ forever!

Beloved, nothing shall take the love of Christ from you, or separate you from it. It does not ebb with the ebbing of your feelings; it does not chill with the chill of your affections; it does not change with the changing scenes and circumstances of your life.”

—Octavius Winslow, 1808-1878


  1. Wonderful post that really speaks to me. In my own writing journey I have sensed the depth of God's all-consuming love for me in a new, never before felt way. I am so very thankful! The quote here is timeless. Bless you, Dan! I look forward to reading your book!

  2. Thanks Laura. Isn't it a wonderful thing how God, though He could do whatever He wills without our help, wills to give us gifts, little parts of Him, and allows us to experience such joy when we use these gifts to His glory? Whether writing a book thousands may read or a note seen only by a single pair of eyes.
